Planning already rolling to host the 2019 AESD Conference
A small team of folks is already working on the April 2019 conference of the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD), which ESD 112 is hosting. We have a place (Skamania Lodge); we have a theme (Going for the Gold Together) and we are talking with a keynote speaker who will wow our audience (Ed Viesturs, a world renowned mountain climber and explorer). We are also reaching out to sponsors to help fund the conference and provide the best networking and learning opportunities for ESD staff and board members. Watch for more information as we engage in planning this conference and tap into the talent and expertise of our ESD staff!
On Target heading to print soon
Cabinet and Executive Directors are busy writing about last year’s accomplishments and refining 2017-2018 goals and measurements. Their work is placed into On Target, one of the best resources to see ALL ESD department goals and accomplishments. Watch for On Target to be released – we’ll post to GOesd112 when it’s all finished! Thanks Wendy Niehaus for putting it all together!
Fixing fire flubs
The report from the Fire Marshall’s October 19 visit has been released to Cabinet. We are looking at a more long-term solution for many of the infractions listed. Please be patient as our Facilities Team works to correct the items listed on the report.
Custodial, kitchen, and clean-up
A crew of ABM custodians are busy each evening cleaning the ESD office spaces, and Edwin is fully transitioned to the Print Center (and we’re excited to have him as part of the team!). But speaking of custodial, our employee kitchen needs a little TLC. We’re asking for help keeping the kitchen sparkling; please be sure to wash your own dishes, wipe off countertops and tables when they need it, unload the dishwasher and inform Rick Batterberry if you see something more major that needs custodial attention. Our kitchen is a great space for all to enjoy and we want to keep it tidy!
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