Introducing Be:Well, our new ESD 112 wellness committee!
As we begin to engage in our wellness mission, we would love your input! Will you take a minute to respond to our survey to guide our team through brainstorming wellness opportunities for all ESD 112 employees?
Is Wellness Your Passion?
We are looking for folks who are passionate (or just plain curious) about wellness to join our team. If you are interested, fill out our form linked in the sidebar of this page under “How to Join.” We meet virtually so field staff can participate as well! Be well, everyone!
Join us for Friday Brain Breaks.
The Be:Well committee invites you to join Gahlya Auel for Brain Breaks on Fridays at 12:00pm! Gahlya will lead participants in simple practices for 5-15 minutes to calm and refresh your brain. In this brief time together, you will learn and practice new strategies that can be utilized and implemented throughout your day so that you can be as comfortable and productive as possible. Click here to learn more about Brain Breaks and their benefits!
As we busy ourselves with brainstorming wellness opportunities for the coming months, we invite you to review a few posts from the past. There’s some great information related to health and wellness that other ESD 112 groups have posted. It looks like wellness wisdom doesn’t expire!
Be:Well October News
With the holiday season right around the corner, we know that there will be an increase in social gatherings for many. But the holidays aren’t the only time of the year to focus on social wellness, which is a very important component to your overall wellness. [...]
Be:Well September News
We hope you had a great summer! While some of us were enjoying a much needed, and well-deserved, summer vacation, the Be:Well team decided to take a break in August from our newsletters. But did you know that August was National Wellness Month? In honor of [...]
Bad weather preventing you from walking outdoors?
Our building’s large footprint make for a great indoor track! Use the route we’ve mapped out below!
Ideas? Or questions?
Email us at