August 28 was a very exciting day for ESD 112, SWCCC and our Early Learning programs!  We celebrated the grand opening of the Hough Early Learning Center, formerly the Hough pool, where over 140 three and four year olds will receive state funded preschool and community child care services beginning September 10.

I am very proud to have been part of this historic event that could not have been possible without the tireless work of ESD 112 and SWCCC staff. This was a true agency effort that involved project management from construction services; financial support from business services; building preparation, cleaning, set-up and maintenance from our facilities team; transportation by specialized transportation; hiring and staffing by human resources; and classroom planning and staffing by our early learning teams. All those involved from start to finish and ongoing deserve a huge thank you!

ESD 112 will be serving more than 400 preschoolers in SW Washington this year but there remains an estimated 2,100 eligible children in Clark County alone without services.  The Hough Early Learning Center brings us one step closer to closing the gap but the work is not done!  With leadership and dedication from our professional early learning staff, we plan to continue to work hard to secure funding and resources for early learning.  Together we are making a difference for our youngest learners!
