Read up on the latest ESD 112 staff news
Our ECE front-line workers are amazing!
The pandemic has made a lot of difficult jobs even harder, and that is especially true for our child care staff who keep kids safe [...]
September is National Preparedness Month
Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love. Week 1 September 1-4: Make A Plan Make a plan today. Your family may [...]
ESD 112 employee committees and how to join
At the August 26 Back to School Meeting, Mike Nerland shared some information on the five employee committees supported by ESD 112. We believe that [...]
2021 All-Staff Meeting: August 26
Let's kick off the 2021 school year together and in-person at long last! Thursday, August 26 • 1-2 p.m. ESD 112 2300 Building Warehouse Masks [...]
Super Spirit of the ESD Award is up in the lobby
If you're coming on campus, be sure to swing by the lobby and take a look at the 2021 Super Spirit of the ESD Award [...]
Thank you for helping us make outdoor exploration kits!
At the end of June, ESD Connects members Kayla Swart and Melissa Burt assembled an impressive 118 educational Outdoor Exploration Kits for ECEAP, Early ECEAP [...]
SaSS staff recognized for their contributions to the state’s LMS courses
Kristina Wambold, Britt Becker, Katherine Livick, and Sarah Walker (not pictured) were honored by the Association of ESDs for their contributions to the Learning Management [...]
Tim & staff receive state leadership award for PPE procurement
A shipment of PPE supplies are received at the ESD 112 warehouse last summer. Superintendent Tim Merlino and our staff were honored by [...]