What is the name of your department?

Human Resources and Legal Services.

What is the name of your program?

Human Resources and Legal Services

What is your job title?

Legal Services Coordinator

How long have you been in your position?

I’ve been in this position for two years, before this I was an HR Specialist, and before that an HR Assistant. I started working for the ESD in November 2015.

Who is your supervisor?

Marnie Allen

How many employees work in your program?


Who are your program’s customers?

Primarily ESD employees and school district employees, but the HR team is really great about helping whoever happens to call our line or walk-in.

Do you work with other agencies (state, private, etc.)?

I personally work with the City of Vancouver and Clark County most often, because of the bond services work Marnie does. Related to that, I also work with a handful of architectural and engineering firms. The rest of my team works with a wide variety of agencies.

Where do employees in your program work? (Vancouver office, field sites, schools, which counties, etc.)

Vancouver office

What are your biggest strengths – what expertise can you share with the group?

I’m calm under pressure.

What do you like most about working here?

The people, and the workplace culture we collectively create.