Green Team2024-11-25T08:43:38-08:00

ESD 112 Green Team

The Green Team is here to help change some of our daily habits in the hopes of making our planet a little better. Our goal is not perfection, our goal is not all or nothing; instead, we are looking to help people try to make small changes that will ultimately make a larger difference over time. We want to help educate ourselves and our agency to create new habits, whether that means setting up an event to help clean the park, switching to LED lightbulbs or even gentle reminders to make sure and turn off your appliances when you are done using them. We are here to help, have fun and ultimately make this world a little better every day. We hope you’ll join us!

Green Team News & Resources

Earth Day planting a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who came out to help plant and donate plants to our courtyard.  The Green Team really appreciates all of the help! This summer will be bright with blooming sunflowers, day lilies [...]

ESD 112 Green Team

The purpose of the newly formed Green Team is to unite like-minded folks who are passionate about the environment with a goal to find answers, bring a larger awareness to environmental issues, and help employees change habits that will help fight climate changes and create a sustainable ESD 112.

2024-25 Green Team Members are:

Adam Noar–Student & School Success
Amy Glenn–
Student & School Success
Beth Pedersen – Business & Financial Management
Carol Flynn –
Early Care & Education
Chelsea Howard – Specialized Student Services
Karen Solberg– Student & School Success
Kathy Whitlock – Student & School Success
Kelly Evans –Student & School Success
Kim Egner Wier – Specialized Student Services
Kim Frosh –Early Care & Education
Laura Martin Communications & Public Engagement
Margaret Harriss Specialized Student Services
Mary Richards – Human Resources
Miles McCray Early Care & Education

Interested in joining the Green Team? Send an email to Chelsea Howard!

We send out newsletters quarterly. Click on a link below to read the newsletter:

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