Daria withGrands

Pictured with her granddaughters Amelia Ann and Estella Kay.

Daria Chick is the Employment Manager for the ESA Program in the Human Resources Department.

How long have you worked for ESD 112?
Seven months.
Single? Married? Kids?
I have been married to my best friend, Ronn Chick for 17 years. We have two grown sons: Chad, age 32, and Kalen, age 30. Both are married. We have the most wonderful and beautiful daughters-in-law.

I became a grandmother last summer. Amelia Ann was born to Kalen and his wife Kelly on August 7, 2014. Chad and his wife Lilly welcomed Estella Kay on February 19, 2015. She is now one month old and we are enjoying her very much! The girls are the sunshine of my life! You will see more pictures on my computer if you walk by my work station!

What do you like best about your job?
I like helping people to be successful in their jobs. Whatever I can do to assist them in being productive; by coaching them through personnel issues or providing them with the tools and resources necessary to be effective in their role, I am here to do it. I like people. I enjoy recruiting, screening, interviewing and selection. I enjoy meeting people, networking and creating long-lasting relationships. I like to have fun at work and help others enjoy their day.

What do you find most challenging about your job?
Selecting the right fit for each position and being able to fill the job in a timely manner.

What did you want to be when you were little?
A mother.

Please describe your typical workday in a few sentences:
My job is never the same from one day to the next. I am always busy. There are always jobs to post, applications to screen, phone calls to make, emails to respond to, questions to answer and meetings to attend. I multi-task all day long. What makes my job interesting is that I get to work with so many great people here at the ESD 112. I enjoy spending time with the program administrators and assisting them in hiring and selection.

What’s the one thing you’ll never understand?
Physics equations.

Where is the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
New Zealand and Fiji.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you miss the most?
My family.

What future event are you looking forward to? Why?
Spending vacation at the beach this summer with my grands!

Cats or dogs?
I love cats and dogs. For the past 11 years, our yellow Labrador retriever, Truman, greets us every morning and evening with a cold nose, unconditional love and devotion. He is such a good boy and he is part of our family.

Favorite flavor of ice cream:
Baskin Robbins Daquiri Ice and Rocky Road (but not at the same time!)

Favorite hobbies:
Singing, playing music, writing, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family.

Most interesting past job:
Preschool teacher.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My hair! I have changed it many times from red to brunette, to adding blonde highlights, natural curly to straight.

What’s your favorite ESD memory?
I am making memories every day. I have only been here for a few months, but so far I am enjoying the opportunity to go out to the districts and meet with the Special Education staff, teachers and students. I have also had the chance to attend conferences and recruitment fairs with my co-workers in Human Resources. I enjoy working with each person on our team in HR. Everyone in our department is very hard working, committed to providing quality customer service and doing a good job. And we have fun doing it!

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