The work group assigned to create an action plan for improving ESD 112 workplace culture has thoroughly reviewed and discussed the data we gathered from our recent staff survey. (We had more than 250 responses!) From the survey, we identified four of the most important concepts related to workplace satisfaction. (They are highlighted below). We had many productive comments and suggestions offered by both field staff and employees working at the main Vancouver office. Our next step is to convene focus groups to discuss the concepts in greater details and ask the following questions in each category:

Work/Life Balance

  1. What have you experienced or would like to experience in your work environment that sustains or improves a positive work/life balance?
  2. What practices or expectations should be continued, started or stopped in your work environment that might positively enhance or sustain your work/life balance?


  1. What are some positive examples of work related communication you have experienced that you wish would be more prevalent?
  2. If you could improve communication in your work environment, what are some examples of communication that you would like to experience?

Taking Care of Employees

  1. What have you experienced in the scope of your work recently that made you feel your employer cares about you?
  2. What would like you like to experience that might positively enhance how you feel taken care of in your work?
  3. What are some suggestions you have for ESD 112 that would support equality in the work environment?
  4. What makes you feel valued at work?

Succession Planning

  1. What might the ESD provide for you to continue to learn and grow professionally?
  2. What are your suggestions for helping employees know about opportunities for growth and advancement?
  3. If you could access information that might support your desire to learn and grow into a position of increased responsibility, what would be helpful to know?

If you would like to participate in a focus group and did not leave your name in the survey, please email Lori Oberheide. Thanks again for your participation! We will keep you posted as we move through the process.