
Weds., June 8  • 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
ESD 112 Conference & Institute Center

Kick off summer with a renewed commitment to your family’s health!
Join us at the Wellness Fair to get ideas and information about fun summer fitness activities, local exercise programs, healthy eating and more. ESD 112 health providers will also be here to answer your questions.

Vendors & Benefit Providers:

Barre3-Felida  |  BCI Group  |  Cascade Centers  |  Clark County YMCA
Fleet Feet  |  HealthFull Nutrition  |  Kaiser  |  NW Personal Training & WHY Events
Regence  |  SWCCC Summer Camps & Events  |  Vancouver Parks & Rec
…and more!

Recommit_to_Fit_logoQuestions? Email commit.tofit@esd112.org