As the amazing student artwork graces the main hallway of the ESD in March, there’s another art show going on behind the locked double doors. ESD staff artists came out of the woodwork this year, bringing in their artwork (and that of their spouses and children) to display for the Staff Art Show. Spearheaded by Michele Larsen with the assistance of ESD Connects and the student Art Show coordinators, the artwork is on display between the River rooms in the main staff hallway.

“It is so nice to “get to know” our co-workers in another way and it is also a mood-enhancer! It just makes me smile!” says Christy Price.

Christy Stalcup agrees, adding, “I think we should have this year round!”

The artwork will be on display through the end of March, so if you are in the building, you might want to schedule a few minutes to check it out.

And that awesome cartoon portrait of Tim Merlino submitted by Mike Nerland? Well, we got Mike to share his doodling technique…