At the August 26 Back to School Meeting, Mike Nerland shared some information on the five employee committees supported by ESD 112. We believe that when people get involved with others to support the ESD 112 mission, as well as the overall well-being of the Agency, it contributes to the positive culture of our organization. Each committee is described below.

ESD Connects: 

This team represents non-management employees in an advisory capacity to enhance communications, plan and promote events, and facilitate charitable giving.

Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Committee: 

This team intentionally creates and promotes educational opportunities, raises awareness, and provides strategies and tools to bring to life a vision of inclusiveness, on our campus and throughout our community.

Green Team:

The purpose of the newly formed Green Team is to unite like-minded folks who are passionate about the environment with a goal to find answers, bring a larger awareness to environmental issues, and help employees change habits that will help fight climate changes and create a sustainable ESD 112.

Safety Committee:

The safety committee is comprised of management representatives and employees from each department. The group meets regularly and is committed to promoting a safe and healthy work environment. The purpose of the committee is to help employees and administrators work together to identify safety problems, develop solutions, review incident reports and evaluate the effectiveness of the safety program as required by WAC 296-800-130.

Wellness Committee:

The purpose of the newly formed Wellness committee is to assess, plan and implement activities that will help the organization’s employees to be more aware, motivated, and skilled around life decision to increase their own and other’s wellbeing. The committee’s role is also to build a workplace environment that is supportive of living a healthy life style.

If you are interested in being involved in any of these committees we invite you to discuss your interest with your supervisor. As a committee member, you will be asked to attend meetings regularly and assist in the planning and organization of various activities sponsored by the committee. The term for each committee is two years. Each committee has two co-chairs with one co-chair rotating every other year.

The hope is that all committees will have representation from all ESD 112 departments with varying years of experience and a range of job titles. Please note that we may have more interested employees than we have positions to fill. Some committees may ask interested employees to answer additional questions as they are considered.