Melissa Burt is a Graphic Designer and Copywriter in the Communications and Public Engagement Department. Since she designed this site, we thought it only fitting that she should be one of the first staff members featured here.

How long have you worked for ESD 112 and what does your job entail?

I’ve worked here since January. As a part of the Communications department, I’m here to make various communication materials look beautiful and also make sure they read well. In my six months I’ve designed many of our district’s newsletters, bond measure mailings, and annual reports. In house, I’ve created fliers, brochures and other materials for our departments. My favorite job recently has been working with my Creative Director, Heidi, designing the banner for the Clark County Fair booth.

What do you like best about your job?

I love solving problems, and graphic design involves solving space problems a lot. Sometimes it feels like one big Tetris game!

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Staying creative and not getting burnt out, even though much of what I design can be repetitive in nature.

What did you want to be when you were little?

A teacher. During the summer I would make a school for my younger brother and sister. As I got older I wanted to be a novelist who lived in a remote cabin in Alaska.

What is the most interesting place you’ve ever lived?

I went to college in Fairbanks, Alaska and then began my career there. I lived there for eight years total. I miss it, but not the winters!

Single? Married? Kids? Pets?

I’ve been married to my husband for eight years, and we have three kids ages 6, 3, and 8 months. We have a mature lady cat named Artemis who I got as a kitten in Alaska and a giant yellow lab named Colin who’s turning 1 year old in a few days.

What future events are you looking forward to?

My husband’s birthday is this weekend, and we’re going to spend the day playing nerdy strategy board games with our friends while his parents babysit our kids.

I’m also looking forward to camping for a couple of days with my parents in August.

What do you enjoy doing with your free time?

Playing aforementioned strategy board games, hiking, learning to play ukulele, playing with my kids, sewing clothes & costumes for my kiddos, quilting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and pretty much anything crafty. I had a crafting blog for several years, but as I have more kids I have less time for crafting. I hope to get back to it again soon!

What was your most interesting past job?

Designing quilting fabric.

What’s your favorite ESD memory?

I got to travel down to a couple of high schools in the Willamette Educational Service District to take photos for a campaign we work on for them. It was really neat to meet the kids who are benefiting from their Willamette Promise program and to get to take pictures. I hope to be able to take more photos for our districts and our programs. It’s a passion of mine, and great photos can really make a difference in the quality and professionalism of communication materials.

One of the photos Melissa took for the Willamette Promise campaign.

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