farm-produceThis summer several staff members have been enjoying delicious, local produce delivered to them at the Vancouver main campus, thanks to the Millennium Farm CSA. The farm does two CSAs a year–one in summer and one in the fall, and the deadline for fall sign-ups is quickly approaching. Here’s the info from the owners of the farm:

FALL CSA BEGINS Sept. 15 – we have shares still available for our second half, Fall CSA which runs 9/15/15 to 12/22/15 for 15 weeks (8 for Half Shares). We are expecting a lengthy extension to the summer weather, perhaps until the middle of October, so we should have the fantastic Heirloom Tomatoes, Peppers, Beans, Peaches and possibly melons until then that are the highlights of Summer. And then it gets better! The best root vegetables, greens, apples, pears, Winter squash and Heirloom potatoes become ripe. Almost a dozen Heirloom varieties of Apples and Pears, and at least six Heirloom Winter Squash and four potato varieties. As great as the produce is now, our favorite produce season is in the Fall.

Frequently Asked Questions About the CSA:

What is a CSA?
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically, it’s a way for you to support a local farm and get a share of their harvest each week. You pay a lump sum at the beginning of the season and every week receive a delivery of fresh produce. This particular CSA is nice because you get to pick from a list of available items, so that you can tailor your produce to what your family really loves.

Is this sponsored by the ESD?
No. This is an employee initiative. Enough of us signed up for the summer CSA that they agreed to deliver it to us here at work!

Where is the produce delivered?
They drop it off at the front desk of the 2500 building at the main Vancouver campus. They also have other drop locations around Vancouver, or you can pick up at the farm in Ridgefield. If you get enough people at your location to sign up, they can add drop points.

Why sign up for a CSA?
There are many benefits of participating:
1. It encourages you to cook at home and eat healthy.
2. It reduces trips to the grocery store.
3. The produce tastes better because it is in season and picked when ripe.
4. It supports a local, family-run farm.
5. It’s fun to try new recipes and get out of your produce “comfort zone” a bit!

Where do I learn more?
Read all the details at the farm’s web page here, or download a copy of the flier here.

How do I sign up?
Email Missy Stucky to get the sign up form.

FORMS & PAYMENT DUE TO THE FARM BY 9/10/15 for the fall CSA.