
Nobue Erickson is a Children NW Early Learning Teacher at the Image SWCCC center. She cares for the youngest children in the infant room (ages 0-9mos) and is known for the very beautiful and elaborate decorations she makes to entertain the babies.

How long have you worked for ESD 112?

23 years.

What is your favorite thing about your job caring for infants?

Babies need me 100% while they are with me, and I love to take care of humans. I love to see their bubbly smiles.

What is the most challenging thing about your job?

Newcomers who are older, sometimes 6-7 months, but especially 8-10 months old. Those first weeks my antenna is very sensitive to figure out what they need: feedings, schedules, how they like to be held, what sleep position they like, etc.

What is your favorite memory or moment working here so far?

A little while ago I took a month’s vacation. When I came back, one of the baby boys just stared at me and watched my every move, trying hard to figure out who I was. He did this for 10 days. When I took the vacation he was 8 months old, and he’d been in my room since he was 1 month old! I hardly take long vacations, so this experience has stayed strong in my memory.

Why did you chose infant child care?

I applied as a substitute for a caregiver who was going on a month long vacation, and I’ve been here 23 years. I don’t speak proper English, so they didn’t put me anywhere but the infant room.

Where do you get your great ideas for the decorations you make in the infant room?

Everywhere! Once in the Van Mall I saw a children’s clothing store with decorations in the window–five white hanging balls by the mannequins that looked very expensive to me. Then I found very similar things in the Martha Stewart magazine. There are always nice printed papers in the Dollar Tree Store, so I used those to make my own. Printed napkins work well too. Now I change the colors four times a year.

Please share with us some hobbies or interests you have outside your job.

My hobby is sewing. I love to go to fabric stores to look for eye catching, colored materials to decorate for babies.

Do you have kids? Grandkids? Pets?

A daughter and a son, 2 grandsons, and a granddaughter.

What is the most interesting place you’ve ever lived?

Guam & Hawaii.


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