Bragging rights; it’s hard to pick just ONE, but we all shared our pride

At the August 4th Cabinet meeting, each assistant superintendent and executive director shared a highlight or two from the past year. It was fun to hear pride in the work you all do! Here’s a quick look at some of the items shared:

Teaching and Learning, Mike Nerland

Involvement in the Washington State Learning Academy project and the work ahead to improve outcomes for youngsters enrolled in our programs.

Student and School Success, Kathy Whitlock

Overall collaboration in the department as evidenced by ESD-U, approved this summer to now certify teachers; STEM opportunities with early learning and continued growth programs and services.

Mary Mertz, Specialized Student Services

A powerful partnership with OHSU, the QUEST start-up, Alt Routes and its impact on ESA staffing, and a compliment about the ESA directors being among the most functional group of directors in the state!

Jodi Wall, Early Care and Education

Securing the Early Head Start grant and start-up of the program; moving ECE to a blended model that supports all programs; ECE viewed as one of the premier programs in the state.

Gavin Hottman, Business and Finance

Recognized the “strongest fiscal coordinator team in the state” and ESD business staff who are going above and beyond to help district interpret the new state budget.

Lori Oberheide, Communications

Adding web development to our list of services has been extremely successful. Demand for services is stronger than ever. The launch of our new League of Communicators website is drawing business around the Northwest.

Marnie Allen, HR and Legal Services

Staffing Quest, new HR manager trainings, successful Alternative Routes program and building relationships, increasing support and serving as an important resources to all departments and districts were special points of pride this past year.

Loy Dale, Insurance Programs, School and Agency

The department’s big move was a positive accomplishment, as was adding new buses and a new program to transport ECEAP children to centers. Staffing specialized transportation drivers was a significant challenge but is at last fully staffed and poised to run smoothly.

Tim Merlino, Superintendent

Establishing good relationships with new superintendents was a positive accomplishment. Credited ESD staff for making our organization well-known and highly respected statewide. Also noted increased positive collaboration between departments.

Agency professional development opportunities

As Superintendent Merlino wrote in an email to all ESD staff, the agency has set aside some money for professional development. Special Education and Early Care and Education departments will focus on providing professional learning opportunities for those staff who work directly with kids. Staff here at the main ESD campus will have two opportunities for general professional development:

  • September 1 All Staff Meeting Motivational Presentation – Making a Difference for You and Others
    • Delivered by Jeff Snell, Camas School District Superintendent. Jeff is the proud Dad to Micah and founder of Micah’s Miles, an organization committed to communities making a difference. Micah has participated with his Dad and his team of runners (200 strong!) in numerous marathons. Micah’s Miles supports a variety of groups such as the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation.
  • October – Diversity Training for all staff
    • Presented by Nikum Pon from Puget Sound ESD
    • Two dates and times TBD so all staff have opportunity to attend

And speaking of diversity… Mike Nerland will soon be organizing an ESD Diversity/Equity Committee. More to come as the group convenes!

New flag on the pole?

On July 23, 2017 a new law became effective that requires public entities to display the POW/MIA flag, along with the American Flag, on designated days. While the ESD office does not meet the exact definition of a “public entity” like cities and counties, Cabinet has chosen to purchase and display the POW/MIA flag out in front of our building. We are proud to recognize and acknowledge the significant sacrifices individuals make to serve our country.