ShariSyronShari Syron is a Family Service Worker at the Minnehaha ECEAP center. She serves families in the Battle Ground and Hockinson districts.

How long have you worked for ESD 112 and what does your job entail?

1.5 years. I get to work with families of preschoolers to overcome barriers to best prepare their child and themselves for kindergarten.

What do you like best about your job?

I love my co-workers, the teachers I work with and the families I get to meet, but my favorite part is when a family sets a goal that has been unreachable in the past and they overcome barriers and reach that goal.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Time and energy. I wish I had more of either.

Single? Married? Kids? Pets?

Married for almost 34 years, 3 sons and one daughter in love. New grammy to Francesca. We have a goofy, fun 3 year old Labradoodle and a 19 year old cat that has had 29 lives.

What do you enjoy doing with your free time?

Spending time with my family and new grandbaby.

What’s your favorite ESD memory?

When a bird got into our building and a supervisor came running in saying “It’s like wild kingdom in here”.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

I would be able to see people in their full potential at all times and when I encounter them I would be able to give them the gift of seeing themselves in their full potential.

If you could speak another language, which would it be and why?

Spanish because some of my families do.

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

Cordelia- it’s from one of my favorite books. I’ve been known to give it as my name at Starbucks.


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