Mike getting miked.

If you were in the building on the afternoon of August 3 (a scorcher!), you may have seen Mike Nerland and members of the Communications department running around with costumes, props and video equipment.

The group is shooting several short videos to feature as a series on the ESD Youtube channel starting this fall. The series will be called “Edu-speakin’ to me?!” and stars Mike Nerland as “himself”–an expert on education jargon. The videos are aimed at parents and others outside the education profession with the goal of translating education jargon (“edu-speak”) in a fun and informative way.

Discussing the shot for the Common Core video.

The idea came to Melissa Burt and Sarah Coomber when they were talking one day about how hard it can be as parents to understand school educators. “I remember going to my daughter’s kindergarten curriculum night feeling this rising sense of panic, thinking, ‘I have a master’s degree, and I have no idea what they’re talking about…and this is only kindergarten!'” Melissa says.

Melissa and Sarah brought in the creative minds of Michele Larsen and Rose Yandell and the project was launched. If the videos are successful, plans are to release more videos throughout the year.

We’ll post the videos on GOesd112.org as they are released, or you can also subscribe to the ESD 112 channel here.


 Michele Larsen, Rose Yandell and Sarah Coomber monopolizing the Print Center bathroom for a STEM/STEAM video.