
Jill dressed as the March Hare for Halloween.

Jill Neth is a Special Education Teacher at Stevenson Elementary School who works for the Specialized Services Department. Her Program Administrator, Benton Dorman, had this to say about Jill: “She is a talented teacher and has worked incredibly hard to integrate her students with special needs into the general education classrooms. Because of her effectiveness in working with both staff and students, we have been able to dismantle a self-contained program at Stevenson Elementary and serve students in the Least Restrictive Environment possible.” Way to go, Jill!

How long have you worked for ESD 112 and what does your job entail?

I’m on the home stretch of my 2nd year with the ESD, but this is my 6th year as a teacher and my 10th+ year working in schools. I’m currently at Stevenson Elementary in the Gorge teaching K-2nd grade kiddos on IEPs.

What do you like best about your job?

I love where I work. When I fled my small hometown 3 days after I graduated high school I wouldn’t have ever guessed I’d be living and working in another small town as an adult.

I’m very lucky to have wonderful para pros in my program as well! Their value cannot be understated.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

In such a small town I end up knowing way too much info about everyone, their cousins, uncles, step-parents, and even their pets in-law. There’s knowing where somebody is coming from and then there’s KNOWING where, what, how, why and what (down to their brand of cereal).


“Mon cherie”

Single? Married? Kids? Pets?

Married for less than 2 years. We are the proud parents of a pound pup named Porterhouse.

What do you enjoy doing with your free time?

I love to garden, bike, hike, read and spend time with my many siblings, parents, nieces and nephews. We’re planning our 3rd annual Hells Canyon whitewater rafting trip this summer!

What’s your favorite ESD memory?

My favorite ESD memory is from our retreat, where all the areas came together to share stories and knowledge in a fun-filled, working weekend. Oh wait, that’s just a dream I have…

If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be?

Handstands or sailing.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

Definitely mind control… Mostly to get kids to want to learn everything I’m trying to teach without all the trickery, games and FBAs.

Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?

I currently live in the woods of Washougal and love it! We hear coyotes and owls at night, star gaze and are surrounded by trees. It’s divine. Come visit me this summer when you need a dip in the Washougal River and you’ll see!