Lorie Henderson is an ECE Specialist for 123 Grow and Learn in the Early Care and Education department.

How long have you worked for ESD 112 and what does your job entail?

5.5 Years. I started as a Home Visitor for Early Head Start but recently moved positions to 123 Grow and Learn as a lead for playgroups.

What do you like best about your job?

Connecting with families and children, especially seeing children grow and change after coming to playgroups.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Honestly, I can’t think of anything!

What do you consider to be your greatest on-the-job skill or asset?

I feel like I try my best to be friendly and help others.

Single? Married? Kids? Pets?

My wife and I have 2 children, our 1-year-old daughter and our 2-year-old foster daughter who we are adopting! 3 cats and 2 dogs.

What do you enjoy doing with your free time?

Spending time with my family – going for bike rides, taking walks, visiting the local duck pond!

And when I do get some “me” time I try to catch up on some reality TV (Real housewives! Lol)

If your coworkers wanted to surprise you with a little treat sometime what should it be?

Anything sweet!

What is something that no one would guess about you if they just met you?

My favorite movie is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971 version)

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas! I love spending the whole day with all my family, playing games and eating yummy food!

If you could abolish one piece of modern technology, what would it be and why?

Smart phones! I do not like how consuming and addicting they are.

What animal best represents you and why?

A mama gorilla! A mother gorilla and her baby sleep together, cuddle, kiss, protect and play! The mother also carries the baby on her back, just like I babywear my babies on my back.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I have a picture I drew in kindergarten stating that I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I feel I accomplished just that. 🙂

What is the funniest thing you heard or saw recently?

My daughter playing pretend food, bringing me a cup, and asking me “You want more foffee?” Apparently, I drink coffee a little too often!