Kayli Troelsen recently joined the Early Care and Education department, filling the new position, Bilingual Workforce Development & Volunteer Coordinator.

How long have you worked for ESD 112 and what does your job entail?

I’m completing my second month!

What do you like best about your job?

I love getting to collaborate with my team, fostering connections with the community and finding role model volunteers to visit children in Early Care & Education Programs!

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Remembering all of the acronyms!!

What do you consider to be your greatest on-the-job skill or asset?

I am very creative and approachable! I think I offer a fresh perspective, enthusiasm and an openness people can turn to. 🙂

Single? Married? Kids? Pets?

I have a boyfriend of four years!

Kayli and her boyfriend

What do you enjoy doing with your free time?

COOKING & EATING. I also enjoy hiking, camping, skiing, hammock-ing, going to trivia nights with friends, rock walling, spending time with my family, traveling, doing yoga, cross-fit, swimming, reading and scoping out restaurants and breweries!


If your coworkers wanted to surprise you with a little treat sometime what should it be?

Funny quotes, pictures! Plants or flowers (I have some succulents at my desk!) I also love everything avocado and peanut butter related!

What is something that no one would guess about you if they just met you?

My favorite place to be in the world is… DISNEYLAND!

And I hiked the Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim in 2016.

What is the funniest thing that you heard or saw recently?

When I found out a few of my co-workers watch the NBC show The Office and told me I was Andy Bernard from the show…

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be?

The movie Mama Mia or Eat Pray Love! (Helloooo Travel, food and Meryl Streep!)

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween! I love the Fall and dressing up!

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

Reading! I love British thriller novels with a strong female protagonist or historical fiction novels!

What is the most interesting place you’ve ever lived?

I lived in Barcelona Spain for 4 months in college!

What was your most interesting past job?

All four years of college I worked at Western Washington University’s Recycle Center! I drove a huge truck around campus to pick up barrels that we would hand sort at our center!

What famous person do people always say you look like?

Winnie from The Wonder Years or BOO from Monsters Inc. (when I was a child)