We’re proud of our bus drivers and want to say THANKS for safely delivering hundreds of students to and from school each day.

Our school bus drivers carry precious cargo every day – transporting more than 1,000 students across 23 school districts in Southwest Washington.

Each year, the drivers gather for a day-long inservice at the conference center where they continue to hone their driving skills and gain knowledge about everything from security and crisis awareness to school bus inspections to helping students with trauma. They also have to demonstrate their prowess at jumping out the back of a bus in an emergency situation.

Honk if you knew these facts!

1,375,529: total miles for the 2018-2019 school year

1,080: student transported each day

68: number of staff

23+7 number of school districts serviced and counties driven (and Portland too!)

56: number of different routes

69: number of buses in the fleet, as well as 2-Safe cars, 1-Quest van and 3-Courier vans.